I rarely wear makeup unless its black eyeliner or a purple lip to go out and I am definitely no makeup guru but I feel like makeup and fashion kinda go together so I got some LimeCrime to add some oomph to my outfits. I got the Carousel Gloss in Snowsicle to add some cute fairy glitter to my lips and I got an eyeliner in Orchidaceous because purple is like my thing right now (I swear I'm not on some beiber phase right now) and to add a pop of color.
LimeCrime Carousel Gloss in Snowsicle
When I first put it on my lips, I instantly tasted something like marshmallows and it was SO GOOD. I didn't put on too much so you can't really see much glitter on my lips but of course, the more you put the more glitter you get. I drank some water and it still stayed on which is good because I have a purple lipstick from NYX and it does not last very long after you drink some water or soda or what have you.
LimeCrime Eyeliner in Orchidaceous
This is the easiest liquid eyeliner that I've ever put on in my entire life. Usually I have to struggle to keep my eye closed shut and to keep on smudging away all my errors but I literally just used my left hand (i'm a righty) and I didn't even have to shut my eye all the way and it came out perfect and straight and I didn't have to smudge anything away. Thank you baby Jesus!!! I also really love the color and the way it makes my eyes pop. It would also look really good layered over a black eyeliner.
Now, on to the mail I got today!!! Woohhh!!! I love mail!!! I honestly do. I've been getting so much lately because I've been online shopping so much but its like Christmas every single day. It makes me so happy. I think I'm even happier now instead of when it actually is Christmas haha. I got 2 parcels today. One from an etsy store called L666ser and another etsy store called prettylittlepolish. I got a purple (here we go with the purple again, Kristina) fuzzy top with a cutout heart in the middle for your qt cleavage and a clear pvc circle skirt and some other cute little goodies. They were all handmade and absolutely perfect!!! I can't wait to take some shots with them on :) And then, from prettylittlepolish I got my very first pair of claws!!! They are kind of neochromish and they match my new neochrome flame knife so I'll be putting up a new picture of them both on Instagram @cybr.grl very soon. I'm so happy with all of my purchases and you guys should definitely treat yourselves too!!! ^-^v